Picture of New York

Dividend Income 2020

Can this continue? dividends payment were either being cut completely or reduced due to Covid-19


2020 starts the year with an unfolding global crisis as the Covid-19 pandemic hits and world stock markets tank.

Still feeling reasonably confident in my stock picking abilities, I am now thinking is this a buying opportunity as we all read about?

There must be some great buying opportunities so how can I pick up some bargain blue chips that pay regular dividends, but I want to buy them cheap!

At the same time I am thinking that I should also looking to diversify my portfolio and add a few new quality stocks that are not old oil energy plays or consumer staples.

Ta da!

mmm….. No thats it! 3M

3M now thats both a cheap quality stock as well as being an industrial play, plus 3M is a dividend aristocrat, so with no regrets I swoop and land just 70 shares into the portfolio. (All purchased with the proceeds from other generated income).

Thinking this could be a good opportunity to add other quality businesses, Bristol Myers Squibb lands on my radar! I only had the funds for 60 shares though.

Cisco too?

With Cisco’s cloud storage and the new working normal “working from home”

It’s Christmas, Buy, Buy, Buy! Thinking I have to buy Cisco as its also quality dividend play too, I purchased 100 shares at a great price.

So total earnings for 2020 “The Year of the Pandemic” increased to £2,953.25 annually, equating to £246.10 monthly. (A £517.49 increase from 2019)

Thats more like it! I felt happy with 2020’s performance as:

At the start of 2020 my aim was to increase monthly earnings, I wanted dividends to generate an average monthly income of £250 per month (try and set realistic targets to aim towards).

For equity analysis and income generated per stock, please see the attached file of dividend income below:

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