Picture of New York

Dividend income 2018

2018 was the third full year in on my SIPP dividend income journey, not only was I aiming to continue the prior two years income increases but once again to reinvest and hopefully increase next years earnings.

Total income for 2018 was £1,828.44 averaging £152.37 per month, so slightly undershooting last years performance!

What had I done wrong? I included a stalwart stock like Pepsi Co and still came up short…..

Was I loosing my touch?

Had I lost money?

Well yes obviously I thought, I know that I have lost money in respect of dividend income…….

Whats is going on, I asked myself?

After a little analysis at year end the panic was short lived, realising after I did sell Royal Dutch Shell to lock in some profits after all any appreciation in share value is just that, a paper profit, until any paper profits have been sold and realised.

If a stock were to slide or depreciate then this would wipe out any gains, so a little profit taking and introducing a new stock is not all that bad. I have been known to lock in profits when a stock does reach a respectable level of appreciation or increase. (Read: “Never Sell Shell” on the Shell webpage)

Remember though: There is never anyway you will be able to time the market, not even the professionals can do it (Set yourself a clear buying & selling price target).

If a equity appreciates in value and you think well, thats a good enough return as well as collecting the dividends on the way then this is not all that bad. It simply locks in the profit and we can move forward selecting another undervalued stock, in this case (at the time) it was Pepsi Co.

Please find below the dividend income file for 2018:

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