Cheers to the weekend!

Cheers to the weekend! 30th September 2023 Celebrate with drinks and dividends Taking advantage of recent market weakness and looking to strengthen and diversify my dividends, I have recently added Diageo to the portfolio.  Whatever the financial backdrop and pressures with life, people still celebrate birthdays and seasonal events usually with their favourite tipple. With […]

Wind v Solar Income Investing

Wind v Solar Income Investing 27th August 2023 Dividend Income Over the last five years energy and in particularly renewable energy has been a key focus for the portfolio and holdings when seeking new sources of dividend income. My plan is to ensure the portfolio gradually leans towards better ESG goals that can help the […]

The Glass of 2023 is Half Full

The Glass of 2023 is Half Full 16th July 2023 Click here to see a full breakdown of dividends. Halfway through 2023 and the passive income portfolio is nearly at half target. Pleased with the progress, even if it’s just slightly shy of midway mark After eight years of passive investing total dividends have now […]

Compound Interest 2022/23

Compound Interest 2022/23 10th April 2023 The financial year 2022/23 ended on a high with total portfoilo dividends surpassing £19.070.30 ($23,603.29 for those of you across the pound). First quarter income increased YOY by 18.84%. First quarter income was helped with increases from BP, SHEL, CSCO, HL, PZC, MMM, BY. Portfolio dividend yield is moving […]

Compounded Interest

Compounded Interest 14th February 2022 #compoundinvesting #PassiveInvesting Enjoy the benefits of earning interest on interest through dividend investing Exponential growth of our portfolios is down to the powerful effects of compound interest.   Open portfolio demonstrating the effects of compound interest

Has the sun been shining on your portfolio?

Has the sun been shining on your portfolio? 19th December 2022 Generating an income from carbon neutral assets can really benefit a well diversified portfolio. Knowing that part of my personal investment choices benefits the planet ticks off a little ESG criteria.  This is both good for the my conscience while reinforcing my investing decisions, […]

When investing:

When investing: 27th November 2022 Price is what you pay, value is what you get. As the “Oracle of Omaha” famously quoted: “Price is what you pay, value is what you get“ As a fan of Warren Buffett’s investing style, I ensure that the above quote is forefront when making my own investing decisions. Are […]

Is your money working while you sleep?

Is your money working while you sleep? 31st March 2022 By simply adopting one of Warren Buffett’s well known quotes into the portfolio has helped me become a better investor. So Thank You Mr Buffett! Following on from my previous blog and theme “Research is Key in Equities” Forming part of my research since 2014 […]

Research is key in Equities!

Research is key in Equities! 3rd March 2022 An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” — Benjamin Franklin Open dividend portfolio of stocks to view income Building a passive income portfolio of quality US & UK Stocks